Every 2.5 years we elect a 15-member Board of Directors to lead the Alumni Association. The Board then elects 5 of its own for the Executive Council, including Chairman.

Election Process

This is a 3-step process. Right now we’re at step 1—Nominations.
For more information, visit our Election Bylaws. For questions, contact us.

1. Nominations

All Gamma Chapter alumni can nominate and second as many Gamma Chapter alumni as they’d like for the 15-member Board of Directors.

Online: 8/10/24 - 8/24/24

Nominations are now closed.

2. Board of Directors

All Gamma Chapter alumni can vote for 15 of the nominees that have been seconded and accepted the nomination.

Online: 8/31/24 - 9/14/24
(All votes will require email validation)

3. Officers

The new 15-member Board of Directors will nominate, second & vote for the new Alumni Association Officers—Chairman, Vice President, Treasurer, Corresponding Secretary and Recording Secretary.

Live: 9/14/24 Election Meeting
Croton Point Park BBQ & Campout


Come back 8/31/24 to vote!

We are now in the process of confirming acceptance of the nomination to run for the Board of Directors.

The Board of Directors vote will start online 8/31/24 and run through 9/14/24.

The new board will be announced at the Election Meeting on Saturday, 9/14/24 at the annual Croton Point Park BBQ & Campout.