Thanks for Your Contribution

Our members are our most valuable asset. But you can’t pay the bills with brother and sisterhood. So, we depend on the generosity of our members to support the organization. When you pay dues, make donations, buy merch and participate in events you are investing in our future. Our treasurer is responsible for the appropriate use of our funds and proper record keeping.


Thank you for financially supporting the Alumni Association. As a non-profit organization we use member contributions to cover operating costs such as this site, mailers, events, memorials, down-payments, supporting the active fraternity, etc. We ask all members to chip in $50 annually.

Contact us for more information about dues and above-and-beyond contributions.

Pay Dues



The Alumni Association provides 2 scholarships each semester to 2 active members based on a rigorous process. This is a self-funded scholarship, supported solely by the generous contributions of our alumni members. Each semester, the highest donor has the honor of dedicating the scholarship to a fallen member.  

Contact us for more information about the scholarship fund.
