Election Bylaws


Section A. Fifteen members of the Board of Directors shall be elected for a term of 2 and a half years at the open alumni meeting during the Spring 20*2, Fall 20*4, spring 20*7, and Fall 20*9. Only Active Alumni Chapter members can be chosen to serve on the board.

Section B. There shall be a waiting period of no less than one week between nomination to the Board of Directors and the date of election.

Section C. Election of the members of the Board of Directors shall be by written ballots which shall be counted by the current Recording and Corresponding Secretaries of the Board of Directors.

Section D. Alumni Members of the Gamma Chapter of the Pi Alpha Nu Fraternity, active or inactive, shall be eligible to vote in the elections of Members to the Board of Directors.

Section E. Failure to fulfill responsibilities and obligations of being a Board member can result in a vote for removal from the board with a quorum vote of the remaining board members. In the result of a vacancy on the Board, nominations can begin, and a special election will be held at the next open Alumni Meeting to fill the vacancy.



Section A. The Board of Directors of the Gamma Chapter of the Pi Alpha Nu Alumni Association will be organized to make decisions that affect the Association as a whole. To remain eligible for the board, each member must remain active each year s/he is on the Board, and attend/participate in at least 2 Alumni events per calendar year.

  • Clause 1. Within one week after being elected, the new Board of Directors shall elect their Officers. In the event of an officer vacancy, the remaining Board will fill the position.

  • Clause 2. Officers shall be elected by a majority of the Board of Directors.

Section B. Officers and Their Duties – The Board of Directors shall be composed of the Chairperson, Vice-President, Treasurer, Recording Secretary and Corresponding Secretary.

  • Clause 1. Chairperson – The Chairperson shall call regular and special meetings of the Alumni Chapter to order and shall preside over such meetings. S/He shall see that “Robert’s Rules of Order” are observed at all regular and special meetings. S/He shall have the power to appoint committees and the Chairperson of the respective committees. If any officer is absent from any meeting, regular or special, the Chairperson shall appoint a special acting officer for that one meeting.

  • Clause 2. Vice-President – The Vice-President shall assume the duties of the Chairperson in his/her absence. S/He shall be the coordinator of all committee activities. S/He must see that “Robert’s Rules of Order” are strictly enforced at every meeting.

  • Clause 3. Treasurer – The Treasurer shall handle all the financial business and affairs of the Alumni Chapter. S/He shall keep two Journals of all financial transactions, copies of all receipts and disbursements will be issued to each member at the first regularly scheduled meeting of the year. S/He will also purchase all items that the Alumni Chapter might need. Any member may call for an itemized account of all Alumni Chapter monies at any meeting with at least 48 hours notice.

  • Clause 4. Recording Secretary – The Recording Secretary shall take the minutes of each meeting and shall conduct the roll call which shall be filed with the minutes. S/He shall type the records such that there are two copies, one for the files. S/He shall co-chair the Communications Committee and keep an up to date copy of these Bylaws.

  • Clause 5. Corresponding Secretary – The Corresponding Secretary shall be the Alumni Chapter Historian and shall keep at least one copy of these Bylaws up to date which shall be present at all meetings. S/He shall co-chair the Communications Committee and shall take and send all correspondence for the Chapter.