35th Anniversary Celebration
Friday, March 29 2019—Sunday, March 31 2019
Let's Do This!
No raging occasion rages harder than the Pi Alpha Nu, New Paltz Anniversary Celebration! These legendary 5-year reunion weekends commemerating the founding of the fraternity at SUNY New Paltz are a thing of infamy. In 2019 we celebrate 35 years of Pi Alpha Nu in New Paltz.
Make no mistake, THIS. WILL. BE. EPIC!!!
Weekend Events
Friday, 3/29/19
Saturday, 3/30/19
Crucial BBQ at the Frat House 12-4 PM
Busses to the banquet
Bus 1: Hampton Inn 5:30, P&Gs 5:40
Bus 2: Hampton Inn 6:30, P&Gs 6:40
35th Anniversary Banquet at The Chateau 7-12
Cash bar for Bus 1 6:30-7
The Bar!!! Post-banquet mayhem
Sunday, 3/31/19
Brunch at Murphy’s 12 PM
Banquet Tickets
Full Price
The $125 Earlybird Special ended 1/7/19 and the Discounted Rate ended 3/28/19. The price is now the full $175.
If you need a break on price in order to attend, contact us.
We accept Venmo. Please send to @LizGurdinTTAN.
If you prefer to pay by check, please make checks payable to Pi Alpha Nu Alumni Inc. and send to Liz.
Liz Gurdin
168 State Route 208
New Paltz, NY 12561
The Banquet
Saturday, March 30th 2019
The 35th Anniversary Banquet will be held at The Chateau, formerly Hillside Manor, scene of the past 3 Anniversary Banquets.
We are going all out as usual. The tickets to the banquet will include busses, cocktail hour, dinner, swag, and of course, OPEN BAR. Following tradition, we will also show a 35th Anniversary video and present awards to recognize members who go above and beyond to support this thing of ours.
Bus times and pickup spots to get to the banquet can be found under weekend events above. Since bus 1 will get people to the banquet before the 7:00 cocktail hour, there will be a cash bar from 6:30-7.
The Chateau
240 Boulevard, Kingston, NY 12401
845-331-4386 | TheChateauEvents.com
Book now! These are the 2 hotels in New Paltz. Hampton Inn is the big new one across from America's Best, formerly Super 8. There are no group blocks or rates.
Hampton Inn by Hilton
4 S Putt Corners Rd, New Paltz, NY 12561
Americas Best Value Inn
7 Terwilliger Ln, New Paltz, NY 12561